Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Muzzys Take Manhattan

When I made my list of things I wanted to accomplish in the next year, traveling to new and old places made it to the top. I love to travel and I have many friends in many fun places so I really wanted to take advantage of their hospitality.

I started the year off by visiting Phil in San Francisco, a new city with an old friend. I had a fabulous time in the city and visiting wine country. I decided this year I wanted to visit both coasts so when cousin Lucy invited the Muzzy cousins to stay at her Manhattan apartment over the summer, I couldn’t wait to make the trip. Unfortunately the Muzzy cousin trip turned into Niki and the Maryland sisters, but that wouldn’t stop us from having a good time.

Saturday we saw much of the city by foot. We love to walk, so we did. I have no idea how far we walked, but I do know that we spent five to six hours walking that day. We only stopped walking to sit down and paddle kayaks on the Hudson River. What an incredible way to spend the beautiful day.

That night we enjoyed great food, great drinks and great friends (both Lucy’s and mine!). We tasted delicious pizza at Number 28 and enjoyed the view from two different rooftop bars. I especially enjoyed the time Lucy, Rachel and I spent preparing for our big night out. It reminded me of college the way we kept changing dresses and shoes and purses until we came up with the perfect trio of outfits. I loved the girl time and we ended with a stunning result:

I made it my mission to not only spend as much time as possible catching up with my cousins and seeing the city, but to also see as many college friends as possible. And I think I did pretty well. I celebrated Jessica’s birthday dinner with her Saturday night.

Sunday afternoon I went to brunch with Annie and Kim and then we walked around Central Park.

Sunday night Hannah, Steve and I stuffed ourselves with sushi.

Monday morning I met Jessica again for breakfast.

And then I met Adam for lunch and cupcake Monday afternoon.

I really appreciated being able to catch up with so many friends from Northwestern. I loved my years at NU and spending time with those friends takes me back to those great times. Unfortunately, I made lots of close friends over my tenure at Northwestern. This made it very difficult for me to keep up with everyone and even more difficult to choose who I wanted to keep contact with. I really wanted to keep track of everyone (thank goodness for Facebook!), but living in South Dakota made that so difficult. Now that I’m back in Chicago I feel so much more connected to my college years and college friends. It does help that I have college friends right here in the city!

I also appreciated the opportunity to spend time with my cousins Lucy and Rachel. Because they lived in Maryland and I lived in Minnesota, growing up we only saw each other at large family gatherings and never had much time to talk to each other. Turns out we have a lot in common and I’m glad we were able to finally connect after all these years. As much as I wanted all of the cousins to make the trip, in the end I was glad it was just the three of us.

Traveling to new places, meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends have all helped me focus in on what I want out of life and what path I want to take. The more I do it, the more I realize just how important it is. I can't wait to take the next trip! Vegas here I come.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I did it!

I did it, I really did it. After 15 months of searching and planning and writing and gambling, I finally achieved my dream: a full-time job and an apartment in the city.

I decided in June of 2008 that living in small-town South Dakota just wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I enjoyed small town life, but I felt like my life was missing something. So I started the job search, had a few interviews and finally accepted an internship.

I know I was a little crazy to leave a nice full-time job that I enjoyed for a temporary internship. But after spending nearly a year looking for a job and not having much luck, I was ready to give it a shot. Now I feel like I won the jackpot!

You see, it turns out, I LOVE working in public relations and especially love the firm atmosphere. I enjoy working with the media, I enjoy getting paid to spend one to three hours reading the news every day and I love seeing a story that I pitched show up in the news (which happens quite often). I’m excited to grow my skills and some day work directly with the clients and I can’t wait to learn more about the business side of PR. I want to know how to find new business, win new business and then develop a communication strategy for the new business, as well as learn how to keep current clients happy.

I feel extremely lucky that I’m going to be able to do that at Hill & Knowlton and even luckier to know that in four short months I developed enough contacts in the Chicago public relations world to have the opportunity to interview at two other firms. At this point in my career, I know my current position of assistant account executive on the H&K public affairs team is the best one for me.

Now that I have a full-time job with benefits and a steady paycheck, I can complete the last piece of the city-life puzzle: move into the city! And I think I won the jackpot in living arrangements, too.

I am a social person and really enjoy living with my family in the suburbs because I’m always in the middle of the action. I decided that living with roommates would be a better fit for me than living alone, but I really didn’t want to find a roommate on Craig’s list. Again, lady luck was on my side and one of my coworkers told me about three people who were looking for a fourth roommate.

They have a beautiful four-bedroom apartment in Lincoln Park (my neighborhood of choice), just steps from the Fullerton el stop (super convenient commute!). The apartment has hard wood floors, 10-foot ceilings, central air, dishwasher and in unit washer/dryer. And, the roommates are super sweet and looking for someone to be part of their “family.” I couldn’t ask for a better scenario and it turned out, I met all their criteria, too!

So now I’m in transition, trying to figure out when and how to move my stuff into my new apartment. I’m also still in shock. I don’t have to look for a job anymore. I don’t have to look for an apartment anymore. I can just relax and enjoy living my dream that I’ve been working towards for 15 long months. And as cheesy as that may sound, that thought always makes me smile.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New City, New Style

For the last ten years, I have sported essentially the same hair cut. Sure, I may have worn it long and short and every length in between, but it’s been the same concept: bob, some layers, no bangs and split down the middle.

Now that I’m starting a new life in a new city with a new career, I thought I should try a new, updated style. Choosing a stylist in Chicago is both better and worse than choosing a stylist in Brookings, S.D., for the same reason: many more stylists at many more price ranges work in Chicago. How do you choose one? How do you choose the right one?

At my aunt’s brilliant suggestion, I read reviews that Chicago magazine wrote on many different types of stylists, including the best stylist in the city for curly hair. The short description sold me; I quickly made an appointment with Brad Hough at Sine Que Non immediately.

After making the appointment, I felt kind of silly for choosing a stylist in Albertville as it’s not near work or near home. It’s the same feeling I have whenever I ask a new salon for a stylist that specializes in curly hair. But once I met Brad, I knew the trip would be worth it.

Immediately I could tell Brad was better than other stylists I had visited in the past. He spent lots of time asking me questions to figure out what I wanted, which proved to be quite difficult since I wasn’t sure. This challenge didn’t seem to bother him and he offered many suggestions before we agreed on a style. When he started cutting, he had a sense of accuracy I hadn’t experienced before. And while he cut, he was very friendly – both asking me about my life and telling me about his. He also had lots of advice for me: different products I could use in my hair, different ways I could style it and tips on how to care for my curls.

The finished product made me very happy because it met all of my requirements: a new trendy style, short for the summer and easy to manage. And it seems that every time I see a friend or family member they compliment my hair. Tree months into the style, I continue to receive compliments on my hair. Fellow curly hair girls living in Chicago, I highly recommend checking out Brad. You won’t be disappointed.

That's me just days after Brad cut my hair.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saying Good-Bye

Any of my regular readers will have noticed that I haven’t posted to this blog for quite some time. It’s not because I’ve given up on blogging, but rather because I had a huge personal situation to handle. This situation took up so much of my time that I didn’t watch television, work out or correspond with friends for nearly six weeks. I had something much more important to do – say goodbye to Grandpa.

As I grow older and meet new people, I realize how lucky I am. I was blessed with not one, but two, very close extended families. My dad is one of eight children and I’m one of 19 Muzzy grandchildren. My mom’s family is even larger; she’s one of 12 children and I’m one of 22 Pelowski grandchildren. What makes this family remarkable is not the size, but the close relationships we all share. I see everyone in my family at least once a year and many of them I see much more often than that. I credit both sets of grandparents for developing such strong family ties.

I loved all four of my grandparents equally, but was always a little closer to Grandma and Grandpa Muzzy. I think this is because they were both retired most of my life, visited us often and called often. They loved it when I decided to attend Northwestern University. I’m not sure if they were happier that I was going to be in the Chicago area or that I was accepted into a competitive program. I saw them regularly during my NU career, either traveling to see them in Flossmoor or them traveling to Evanston to visit me.

They were so proud when I graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism and thought Tom Brokaw was retiring so I could take his place as the main anchor on “NBC Nightly News.” I was more realistic and happily accepted a job in Sioux Falls, S.D., instead.

I lived in South Dakota for four years and I know my grandparents, especially Grandpa, missed me dearly. Every time I spoke to him, he’d ask when I was moving back. When I accepted an internship in Chicago, I couldn’t wait to call and tell him the good news.

I moved back in April 2009 and made the goal to see my grandparents at least once a week. This wasn’t easy, as I commute an hour each way, spend lots of evenings at networking events in the city and much of my weekend catching up with old and new friends. But Grandpa was 91 years old and I knew he wouldn’t be around forever. I enjoyed having one-on-one time with him and Grandma, something you don’t often have when you have a family as large as ours. I’ll always cherish those dinners and conversations we shared.

The week before Mother’s Day, Grandma became extremely concerned with Grandpa’s health. He was changing quickly and not doing well. She wanted to check him into the hospital soon so that he could heal and attend my cousin’s graduation ceremony that weekend. Unfortunately, it was more serious than anyone realized.

My Aunt Mary and Grandma checked Grandpa into the hospital later that week. There we discovered that he had mini-strokes which affected his speech and his ability to swallow. He spent a week in the hospital and then the time came to make a big decision: should he go home or go to a nursing home for rehabilitation. Grandma and her children discussed it and thought about it and discussed it some more. Finally the decision was made to start hospice care and bring Grandpa home.

I was there the first night Grandpa spent at home. I didn’t know what “hospice” meant, but I received a crash course on everything when the nurse stopped in to explain everything that first night. I learned that Grandpa wasn’t going to get better; hospice was to keep him comfortable not to heal him. I learned about the medications we had to keep Grandpa comfortable and when to use them. I learned that he could no longer drink liquids without a thickening agent. And I learned that I had to say good-bye.

I spent the next month visiting Grandma and Grandpa as often as possible. I’d go after work and often stay until 10:30 or 11 p.m. (only to get up around 6:30 a.m. to catch my train the next day). I’d spend most of my weekend there. And I was rewarded for my dedication by seeing Grandpa on his good days. He was able to tell me that he loved me and I was able to tell him that I loved him. A few times he was even able to joke with me. I won’t ever forget the day he asked me for a hug. He gave me the biggest smile. I was able to feed him his favorites: ice cream and Pepsi. I was able to enjoy baseball games with him, as he was a huge Cubs and White Sox fan. And I was able to help support the rest of my family as we all attempted to come to terms with what was happening.

We were lucky that Grandpa never lost his wits. Up until the end, he was aware of us and of what was happening around him. Even if he couldn’t tell us what he was thinking or feeling, we knew. In the end, he went peacefully after nearly every family member was able to say their own version of good-bye. And as much as we all miss him, I know we’re also happy that he’s no longer suffering.

I’ve never lived in Flossmoor before this spring/summer, but I couldn’t think of a better time to be here. No matter what happens next in my life, I know I was supposed to be here and I’ll always be grateful for that time I had with Grandpa and our family. I’ll also be grateful for hospice care, giving us the opportunity to take care of him and allowing him to spend his last weeks in his own home, surrounded by people who love him.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Heart Chicago

Now that I spend the bulk of my time in downtown Chicago I find myself falling in love with the city all over again. This relationship between the city and me started more than a decade ago, when I first spent time here, escaping from my hometown of Marshall, Minn.

I spent a summer month with family in the Chicago suburbs during my junior high years. It was amazing. I went to museums, spent time with my cousins, attended a play at the Goodman Theatre, visited Six Flags Great America and (thanks to my cousin Kristen) overcame my fear of rollercoasters. Over the span of that trip I started to develop a crush on the city of Chicago. I decided then I would someday live in this great city.

In high school, I decided I wanted to be a television news reporter and discovered that the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University ranked very high on the list of best journalism schools in the country. I visited the campus during the winter of my junior year of high school and knew without a doubt that I had found my university. One of the big factors that played into that decision was NU’s proximity to Chicago.

Later that year, I was fortunate enough to attend prom in the city. The night ended with a cruise on Lake Michigan on the Odyssey, gazing at the stars and the beautiful night skyline. That’s when I knew I had fallen head over heels in love with this city. I would return one day as a Chicagoan.

After graduation, my life took me away from the Windy City to the windy prairie and I thought I lost my connection to the city. But I only needed to stroll down Michigan Avenue to know that the connection was not only still there, but stronger than ever.

I’m so grateful to be back here again and really savor each moment. I love taking the Metra into the city every morning, I love watching the buildings grow closer together and taller as the train creeps towards the city. I love walking from the station to the Merchandise Mart each day, even in the cold and the rain. I appreciate the sights, the sounds and even the smells of the city. I watch people rush by me and I think, “I’m so lucky that I know to appreciate this beauty and this energy that surrounds us.”

Each day I walk past some pretty amazing sights: Millennium Park, the Theatre District, the Chicago River, Michigan Avenue bridge, the Tribune tower, the Trump tower, City Hall and sometimes Macy’s on State (formally Marshall Field’s). I like to take different routes to and from work each day to see what else is out there. I can’t wait to take some time one weekend to visit the parks, the museums and the Lincoln Park Zoo.

Chicago and I have quite the history together and because of that connection I feel at home. I hope the city becomes my permanent home very soon!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sweet Home Chicago

I kind of hate the question, "Where are you from?" because I don't really know how to answer it. For the last four years I've lived in South Dakota, but I'm not a South Dakotan. I was born on the Grand Forks Air Force Base, but I never lived in North Dakota. I spent most of my childhood in Marshall, Minn., but my parents no longer live there and I don't really have any ties to the community anymore. My parents now live in Rochester, Minn., but I never lived there, so that's not my "home" either. It wasn't until my mom called Chicago my home that I realized that city is probably the closest thing I have to a "home." I visit the city regularly, lots of my family live in the area and I lived in the area for four years while studying at Northwestern University. That's why I'm so excited to "return home" in April.

When I made my Coffee Cup list, I quickly added two related items: move to a city and find a new job. This is not because I dislike my current position or because I don't like living in Brookings. I just need a change and I really miss the energy of city life. So when I received a Facebook message titled "Looking for a Public Relations Intern ASAP!" through the Gamma Phi Beta Young Alumnae - Chicago group, I quickly responded to Laura, the poster.

The next day I interviewed with Laura and Laurent, two days later I visited Hill and Knowlton's Chicago office to take the writing test and just six days after I saw the initial post, Kimberly in HR offered me the position of Public Relations Intern with the Public Affairs team. What a whirlwind!

I don't really know what I'll be doing as the intern or if I'll have a fulltime job after the internship ends on June 12th, but it doesn't matter. I do know that I'll be paid, I will work in my favorite city and spend some quality time with family. It's scary and exciting all at the same time. Lucky for me, everything is moving so quickly I don't really have time to be afraid, I just have to act and move.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Find Your Inner Peace

When I go to the gym, I like to push my body to the limits. I like to run as fast and as far as I can. I like to lift weights and I love to go to my weekly kickboxing class. I like to sweat, make my heart race and my muscles ache. But this year I wanted to try something new and very different from my usual routine -- yoga.

I heard one of my friends from college rave about her yoga class and my gym offered weekly classes, so I thought I'd give yoga a try. I wasn't really sure what to expect with my first class; it was my very first experience with yoga. And, I found it a little strange.

The class started with everyone standing on their mats, just breathing, in and out, in and out, relaxing music playing in the background. We then proceeded to do a variety of stretches, all with different names that didn't really mean anything to me like like up dog, down dog and tree pose.

It wasn't the bizarre positions or names for the poses that struck me as strange. For me, it was the lack of sweat and racing heart. When I finished, I didn't have that normal feeling of exhaustion like I usually do after a good run or after a hard kickboxing class. Instead, I just felt peace. I mean, what else would you feel after meditating for five minutes in darkness, only aware of your breath, the soothing commands from your instructor and the soft music playing in the background.

Even though I didn't necessarily like my first yoga class, I decided that just trying something once wasn't enough to decide I didn't like it. Also, I kind of liked that feeling of peace at the end of class. After the first class I couldn't tell if it was really a workout or just something relaxing. It only took one more class for me to realize the physical benefits.

Yoga is about developing strength and flexibility. I noticed the strength development at my second class. During some of the poses I had a tough time keeping my balance because my muscles quivered, a good sign to me of an effective workout. We worked hard for most of the class and then spent the last few minutes meditating and relaxing every part of our body. It's just a great feeling of peace and I've found it addicting.

Now, after just a few months of practicing yoga I don't like to miss my weekly class and am thinking about attending more than one class a week. I've also purchased my own yoga mat so I can practice some of the poses at home. I prefer having the instructor for the extra motivation, the variety and the supervision (since I'm still new I don't always know if I'm in the correct position), but I think it will be nice to practice some of the poses on my own.

Trying yoga taught me to love the practice and also that I can't always quickly judge a new activity. Trying something once isn't enough to make a decision. I challenge you to try something new this year and give it a couple of chances before you decide you don't like it. You may find out that you love it.